MR museums vs Traditional museums

May 15, 2022

MR Museums vs Traditional Museums

When it comes to experiencing history, art, and culture, visiting a museum is a great way to learn and appreciate it. But with the rapid advancement in technology, museums have also evolved. We now have the option to experience museums through Mixed Reality (MR) technology. It raises the question, which one is better? The following is a factual comparison of MR museums vs Traditional museums.

Content and Experience

Traditional museums offer a physical experience that allows visitors to see and interact with artifacts, artwork, and historical exhibits. On the other hand, MR museums offer a digital experience with 3D models, simulations, animations, and augmented reality.

According to the American Alliance of Museums, MR technology is an excellent way to increase accessibility to museums. MR museums can engage visitors in a way that traditional museums may not be able to. It enables visitors to explore objects and artifacts in greater detail, giving visitors a deeper understanding of its history and significance.

However, traditional museums provide the opportunity to see real and authentic objects and artifacts. It offers an emotional connection to history, and visitors can appreciate the objects' physicality, texture, and age.


One of the most significant factors in visiting museums is the cost. Traditional museums have a fixed cost that can range from free admission to several hundred dollars. In contrast, MR museums generally require an additional fee on top of the hardware cost.

For example, a museum like the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History is free to visit, while the Arizona Science Center charges $9 for adults and $7 for children. In contrast, the MR museum, The VR Museum of Fine Art, charges $9.99 for the VR experience, and visitors need to have a Virtual Reality headset to use it.

Physical Limitations

Traditional museums have strict rules and regulations when it comes to physical interaction with objects and artifacts. Visitors must not touch or move objects to prevent damage or destruction. In contrast, MR museums allow visitors to interact with digital versions of the objects and artifacts. Visitors can walk around the objects and view them from any angle.

MR museums are more accessible to visitors with physical limitations. Virtual exhibits at MR museums generally have the capability to adjust the height and size of the exhibits to accommodate visitors with disabilities.

Entertainment Value

Visiting a museum is a fun activity, and it can be an excellent way to spend time with friends or family. Traditional museums offer a social experience, where visitors can interact with friends and family in person. In contrast, MR museums offer a solitary experience. Wearing a VR headset can be isolating and may limit social interaction while visiting the museum.


In conclusion, MR museums and traditional museums provide distinct experiences. Traditional museums offer a real and authentic experience, while MR museums provide increased accessibility, interactive exhibits, and a unique educational experience. The choice between the two depends on individual preferences, accessibility options, and entertainment values.


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